Who We Are

The Asterby Parish Group aspires to be a supportive, selfless Christian community. We would wish to achieve better communication with our villages and our churchgoing membership.

Revd Cilla Smith

Priest in Charge Asterby Group
07798 695950
Email Revd Cilla Smith

Caroline Taylor

Safeguarding Officer
01507 343352

Debbie Knight

South Wolds Group Administrator
01507 525600
Monday – Friday: 9:15am-2:15pm
Email Debbie Knight

Traditionally we have held our services monthly across the group with some of our churches being ‘Celebration churches’. These hold Christmas, Easter and Harvest, with the usual weddings and funerals and also an annual communion service. They also hold fund raising events based around their local needs. Our other churches hold monthly services.

In many ways faith in the rural communities is quite traditional and we are always looking to develop new ways of keeping in contact within our communities. In this respect the Celtic traditions that lean towards God’s connection with nature often resonate with our farming communities .

Faith and Spirituality in our Parish

The faith and spirituality of the Christian community in the Asterby Group of Parishes varies of course, but is much influenced by the traditional rural lifestyle prevalent until very recently in this beautiful part of Lincolnshire. The beauty of creation has brought us closer to the loving God who created it

Our worship reflects the different agricultural seasons of the year, from Plough Sunday to Rogation Sunday and Harvest Thanksgiving, the latter often being the highlight of village worship. The annual Rogation Service usually takes place in one of the local farms and attracts many who do not attend more formal worship held in the church buildings. These are wonderful opportunities for church and village communities to join together.

We shall restart our week day held celtic morning praise service in Donington on Bain as soon as COVID rules allow.